1775, Artist: Joseph Moser
This piece by the Viennese goldsmith Joseph Moser, represents one of the most significant and original contributions to chalice design in l8th century Europe. Moser here presents his own interpretation of the traditional form of the chalice. The three-sided foot serves as the socle for a tripod, and this, in its turn, supports a censer. From the censer, which is also the nodus, rises a cloud of silver incense, and the bowl of the chalice seems to float upon this. Below the tripod is a small Imperial crown, identifying the piece as an Imperial commission. In the middle of the sides of the foot, oval enamels display scenes from the Old Testament: Abraham and Melchisedek, the erection of the brazen serpent, Jonah and the whale. These correspond typologically to three scenes from the New Testament on the bowl: the Last supper, the erection of the Cross and the Resurrection. The decorative motifs of the chalice, which is dated 1775, no longer take the form of rocaille ornamentation but of laurel garlands. This change in the formal vocabulary indicates the emergent in Influence of early Neo-Classicism.
Liturgisches Gerät; vasa sacra; Altargerät
Joseph Moser (1715 Brünn - 1801 Wien) - GND
Silber, vergoldet, Diamanten, Rubine, Amethyste, Granate, Chrysolithe, Maleremail / gegossen, getrieben
H. 28,2 cm, Dm. 18,8 cm
Wiener Beschau 1775; R 3, Nr.7948=IM; Wr. Repunze 1806/07; Wr. Befr. st. 1809/10
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Geistliche Schatzkammer
Schatzkammer, GS B 8
Permalink (citable Link) to this page: www.khm.at/en/object/98491/
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