between 1569 and 1578, Artist: Johann Gregor van der Schardt , (Bildhauer)
In 1568, Emperor Maximilian II commissioned a silver fountain measuring more than three meters in height from the goldsmith Wenzel Jamnitzer. Both by its decorative program and by its ingenious engineering it was to glorify the House of Habsburg. However, the monument was not delivered until nine years later, to Maximilian’s son and heir, Rudolph II. In the 18th century the silver parts were melted down in order to finance the refurbishment of the Treasury, and only these four supporting bronze figures have survived.
between 1569 and 1578
Johann Gregor van der Schardt , (Bildhauer) (um 1530 Nijmwegen - um 1581 Nürnberg ?) - GND
Wenzel Jamnitzer , (Goldschmied) (um 1508 Wien - 1585 Nürnberg) - GND
Gilded bronze
72 cm × 36,5 cm × 20,5 cm
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Kunstkammer
Kunstkammer, 1118
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