1506, Artist: Giorgio da Castelfranco, gen. Giorgione
With the exception of the “La Vecchia” in Venice, the young lady named after the laurel (lauro) that surrounds her from behind is the artist’s only female portrait. The half-revealed breast and the laurel have led to various, mutually contradictory interpretations: perhaps the painting concerns “Laura”, the lover of the poet Petrach, and thus a sort of competition between painting and poetry. The inscription on the back dating from the 16th century records the artist’s name, the year 1506 and “Master Giacomo” as the customer.
Italian, Venetian
Giorgio da Castelfranco, gen. Giorgione (um 1477 Castelfranco - 1510 Venedig) - GND
Canvas on old spruce wood
zum Oval beschnitten und wieder zum Rechteck ergänzt: cut to an oval and added again to a rectangle: 41 cm × 33,6 cm, 5,5 kg
Overall: 43,6 cm × 36,5 cm × 35,8 cm × 1 cm
Auf der Rückseite die Beschriftung: 1506. adj. primo zugno fo fatto questo da ma de maistro zorzi da chastel fra(nch)cholega de maistro vinzenzo chaena ad istanzia de mis giacmo...
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Gemäldegalerie
Gemäldegalerie, 31
1636 Coll. Bartolomeo della Nave, Venice; 1636-1649 Coll. Hamilton; Coll. Leopold Wilhelm, Brussels; 1735 documented in the gallery
Laura di Audiberto di Noves (1308 - 1348) - GND
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