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Your Legacy for Art

With its outstanding collections the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna is one of the world’s foremost museums of Old Masters. A number of connoisseurs and patrons have included the museum in their will, thus generously contributing to the preservation of these artworks. Especially in times like these, your generous support is deeply appreciated!

Have you thought about making a will, and do you want to leave something that endures even after you have passed away? A legacy helps to restore, research and preserve artworks for coming generations. And you support our manifold efforts to teach our children and grandchildren about cultural values.

You will always be remembered

We will ensure that your donation to the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna is never forgotten. Become an Art Patron and you will always be remembered as the benefactor of the artefact you have chosen. You will forever be associated with your „godchild“ in our electronic inventory. If you so wish, we will also list your name next to the artefact or on a roll of honour displayed in the collection, ensuring that your name will live on in connection with the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna.

You’re supporting us

You can remember us in your will even without specifying a particular purpose, in which case we will use your gift where it is most needed at that time. Do you want to donate to a particular collection or project? Please contact us for a confidential chat or if you have any questions regarding our projects and activities.

Find out more!

For more information on our core activities that you can support with your legacy and an overview of Austrian inheritance law, please see our brochure “Ein Testament für die Kunst”.

[pdf] Ein Testament für die Kunst (2.6 MB)


If you are not sure about the size of your estate, you may want to consult the Will Calculator of our long-standing partner organization, vergissmeinnicht. The Will Calculator will help you identify your legal heirs, who is entitled to a statutory share/compulsory portion, and how much of your fortune you can legally dispose of.


For more information, please contact

Hannah Mingers, BA, BA
+43 1 52524 - 4038


Account holder: KHM-Museumsverband
IBAN: AT70 6000 0005 1014 1679
Reference: Spende KHM

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