Kunsthistorisches Museum
The Kunsthistorisches Museum was erected in 1871–1891 according to the plans of Gottfried Semper and Carl von Hasenauer and is one of the most distinguished and impressive museum buildings of the 19th century. It was designed in the course of the Hofburg’s extension together with its ‘twin’, the Naturhistorisches Museum opposit and the Neue Burg at Heldenplatz.
Imperial will for representation and the faith in dynastic tradition allowed for gigantic financial and artistic efforts. When the museum was eventually opened in 1891, the sometimes far-flung collections of the Habsburgs could finally be presented in an appropriate way. The stock of Egyptian antiquities, antique sculptures, craftwork and paintings of the 15th to the 18th century is unique – together with the gorgeous monumental building it opens an unbelievable world, which stimulates all human senses.
Entrance Hall & Gallery of Antique Busts
The impressive Entrance Hall leads to a series of wonderfully decorated rooms. You may choose to welcome your guests with a cocktail reception held in the Entrance Hall. This area offers access to the Egyptian and Near Eastern Collection – or use the gallery of antique busts for small receptions and as an effective entrée to the Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities.
Cocktail: 100-300 persons
The Main Staircase
The magnificent Main Staircase is one of the highlights of Viennese 19th-century architecture. Its focal point is Antonio Canova‘s statue of „Thesus Slaying the Centaur", which is flanked by two imperial lions. The large ceiling painting by the Hungarian painter Mihàly Munkácsy celebrates „The Triumph of the Renaissance". The twelve lunette paintings are by Hans Makart who portrayed famous artists, while the paintings left and right of the arches are early works by Ernst and Gustav Klimt and Franz Matsch. The area in front of Canova‘s statue is particularly well suited for welcoming your guests or clients personally, or for starting the evening with a performance of music or dancing.
The Gallery, First Floor
The Gallery, along the Main Staircase on the first floor, opens into the Picture Gallery and the Cupola Hall and is the ideal location for a cocktail to welcome your guests or clients.
Cocktail: 100-300 persons
Dinner: 100 persons
Cupola Hall
Located at the heart of the Kunsthistorisches Museum, the Cupola Hall on the first floor is the architectural highlight of the magnificent building. It is decorated with precious materials, differently coloured types of granite and marble, and outstanding stucco work - all to celebrate the Habsburg collectors, foremost of them the Emperors Maximilian I, Charles V, Rudolf II, Charles VI and Franz Joseph I. In the evening, the magnificent view from the tall windows includes the lit statue of the Empress Maria Theresia in front of the building‘s „twin", the Natural History Museum. The Cupola Hall is the ideal location for elegant gala dinners, product presentations, cocktails, or wedding receptions in an imperial setting. The building‘s magnificent architecture makes it a fitting home for one of the world‘s most important collections of art, and offers you an unforgettable venue for your guests or clients!
Cocktail: 50-700 persons
Dinner: 50-350 persons
Das Museum als Kulisse für Ihre Hochzeitsfotos
Sie haben Ihre perfekte Hochzeitslocation schon gefunden, wollen aber die Erinnerung an diesen besonderen Tag auch im Kunsthistorischen Museum festhalten? Für die Dauer der Schließung unserer Museen vermieten wir die imperiale Kuppelhalle im Kunsthistorischen Museums als exklusiven Ort für Hochzeitsshootings.
Zeitraum: Dienstag bis Sonntag vor 10:00 Uhr oder ab 18:00 Uhr und Montag ganztags
Dauer: 2 Stunden
Do you just want to surprise your guests?
We offer a private opening.
Der Kunst ein Fest - Celebrate Art!
(13.2 MB)
Dinner for 2
(183 KB)