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Holbein. Burgkmair. Dürer.

Renaissance in the North

19 March to 30 June 2024

Hans Burgkmair the Elder, Portrait of a Young Man, 1506. Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, Picture Gallery, inv. 6944

The Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna’s 2024 spring exhibition is devoted to three outstanding pioneers of the Renaissance north of the Alps: Hans Holbein the Elder, Hans Burgkmair, and Albrecht Dürer. It offers a golden opportunity to experience fascinating works by these artists and to explore how Augsburg became the birthplace of the Northern Renaissance.

At the beginning of the sixteenth century, Augsburg – dominated by the hugely wealthy banking family of the Fuggers – was influenced by the art of Italy more than almost any other city north of the Alps. That this was the case is vividly demonstrated by the two most important Augsburg painters of the period: Hans Holbein the Elder (c.1464–1524) and Hans Burgkmair (1473–1531). In the Vienna exhibition, select works by these two very contrasting artists enter into a stimulating dialogue with works by Albrecht Dürer (1471–1528) and further German, Italian, and Netherlandish masters, notably the Augsburg-born Hans Holbein the Younger (1497/98–1543). The exhibition in Vienna showcases more than 160 paintings, sculptures and other works from many of the most important collections of Europe and the United States of America.

The upheavals in art around 1500 are brought to life and elucidated, as is the role of the imperial trading city of Augsburg as the centre of the Renaissance in the North.

The exhibition has been organized in collaboration with the Städel Museum in Frankfurt, where it was shown from 2 November 2023 to 18 February 2024 under the title Holbein and the Renaissance in the North.

Leonhard Beck, St George and the Dragon, Augsburg, c.1513/14. Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, Picture Gallery, inv. 5669.

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Holbein. Burgkmair. Dürer.


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Exhibition Catalogue

Hans Holbein the Elder and Hans Burgkmair are regarded alongside Albrecht Dürer as the forerunners of Renaissance painting in Germany. The prosperous Imperial and trading city of Augsburg was an important centre during this artistic golden age. By means of high-quality works this volume presents a comprehensive insight into the epochal revolution from the Middle Ages to the modern age.

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19 March 2024
to 30 June 2024

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