before 1583, Artist: David Altenstetter (Goldschmiedearbeit)
Rudolf II and the Art of Timekeeping
At his court in Prague the emperor promoted the close cooperation of astronomers, mathematicians and clockmakers. This resulted in pioneering works of precision engineering. The Planetary Clock was the first timepiece to depict the heliocentric planetary system while the Crystal Clock is the oldest extant timekeeping device with a second hand. Rudolf II acquired the Celestial Globe and the enamelled Table Clock in Augsburg.
Table Clock
before 1583
David Altenstetter (Goldschmiedearbeit) (um 1547 Colmar - 1617 Augsburg) - GND
Hans Schlottheim (Mechanik) (1544/47 Naumburg/Saale - 1624/25 Augsburg) - GND
Partially gilded silver, enamel, copper alloy, iron
21,8 cm × 13,7 cm × 9,5 cm
Augsburger Pyr (SEL 13); R 3, Nr.476; R 3, Nr.370
Seling 2007: BZ 0070 (verwendet 1559-1586)
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Kunstkammer
Kunstkammer, 1121
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