Römisch, Frühe Kaiserzeit, 1. Jh. n. Chr., nach griechischem Original um 460 v. Chr.
This head belongs to the statue of an unidentified goddess; unfortunately none of the extant copies of this type – known as “Candia” after one of the oldest examples, which was discovered on Crete – have retained an attribute that would allow archaeologists to identify her. Only a relief now in Berlin suggest that it might be Artemis.
The large number of extant ancient copies suggests that these statues are based on a well-known Greek model from the Classical period.
Frühe Kaiserzeit
1. Jh. n. Chr., nach griechischem Original um 460 v. Chr.
Ephesos , Hafengymnasium , Marmorsaal , Selçuk, Kleinasien, Türkei
H. 31 cm
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Antikensammlung
Antikensammlung, I 829
Sultan, Abdul, Hamid, II.; Österreichische Ausgrabungen in Ephesos; Geschenk an Kaiser Franz Joseph; 1911 nachträglich inventarisiert
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