Römisch, Mittlere Kaiserzeit, 113 - 117 n. Chr.
Eight columns each on the bottom and upper floor dominated the richly decorated library façade. Two columns, together with a cantilevered entablature, formed a so-called aedicula. On the upper floor, the aediculae were moved by one column axis in reference to the bottom floor, leading to a single column on each side of the façade with three aediculae in between. The entablature shown here features a flower tendril with Medusa’s head in its centre. This was believed to protect the library against all evil.
Mittlere Kaiserzeit
113 - 117 n. Chr.
Ephesos , Celsusbibliothek , Selçuk, Kleinasien, Türkei
H. 67 cm, B. 172 cm, T. 63,5 cm
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Antikensammlung
Antikensammlung, I 1632
Sultan, Abdul, Hamid, II.; Österreichische Ausgrabungen in Ephesos; Geschenk an Kaiser Franz Joseph; 1957 nachträglich inventarisiert
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