Adoration of the Shepherds
c. 1510
poplar, 91 x 115 cm
Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum

The Adoration in Vienna is part of a group of four paintings named after the so-called Allendale Adoration now in the Kress Collection in the National Gallery in Washington. Although scholars in the first half of the 20th century suggested various artists for the Allendale group, the paintings were generally attributed either to Giorgione, the young Titian, or the young Sebastiano. Recently a scientific analysis of the underdrawing of the Allendale paintings in Washington was undertaken. It shows that all four paintings in the group were the work of one and the same painter, and that that painter was Giorgione - he executes his underdrawings in characteristically fluent brushstrokes and frequently also in thick lines.

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